3 Tips To Loose Paintings


In case you haven’t noticed. The loose floral painting style is my favourite. I love when a painting looks effortless and free-flowing but this look can be a little tricky to achieve so I’ve put together 3 tips that I think will help to get you going.

Tip 1 - Strip out the details

Painting something realistically involves capturing all elements correctly; composition, colours, light and shadow. However, the idea of loose painting involves taking away details.

To paint loosely involves stripping back on those elements. For example, try capturing the shapes of what you’re trying to paint and instead of worrying about every little detail, just focus on its basic shape. Experiment with colours and don't worry too much about being super precise. This way, you let people use their imagination when they look at your painting. They can fill in the missing details in their minds, making your art more open to interpretation.

Painting loosely means simplifying things. Instead of getting caught up in tiny details, think of your canvas like a puzzle. You don't need all the pieces; just the ones that matter most.


Tip 2 - Be more free with your brush strokes

This is easier said than done, but I’ve noticed that when I paint with more expressive marks, it makes my paintings look more free-flowing.

When you paint with expressive strokes, it gives your artwork more energy. For instance, think about painting a stem. Holding your brush too tightly and making stiff lines can make your painting look rigid. Instead, try using one long, sweeping brushstroke to show the stem. Let your brush move smoothly, following the curve of the stem.

Imagine your paintbrush is like an extension of your hand and guide it where you want it to go.


Tip 3 - Use your imagination

When you paint, it's natural to want everything to look real. But this tip encourages you to be more creative and imaginative.

Instead of copying things exactly as they are, think about how you can see them in a new way. Can you use simple marks to suggest things like buds? Or maybe you can add playful doodles to your painting. Don't be afraid to use different and unusual colours. You could paint pink leaves or scatter tiny blue flowers around.

By using your imagination, you make your painting more unique. It's not just about what you see; it's about how you feel and what you want to express. People who look at your art can find their own stories and feelings in it, and that's what makes it special.


Fancy learning more about loose painting? Then you will love my Loose Florals Art Course, where I teach you techniques and show you how to achieve those “effortless” looking floral paintings. Click below to learn more about it:



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