30 Floral Art Prompts


Making time for an art practice can be really challenging. First of all, where do I find the time, and what should I paint? To help overcome these challenges I created a monthly habit tracker as well as 30 floral art prompts to help get your creativity kicked into gear. Click below to download the freebie and then let me show you how to use it…


How to Use the Floral Art Prompts

Step. 1 - Get set up

I want you to set your timer for 10 minutes in the day, I know not everybody even has the 10 minutes so take the pressure off yourself, it’s about setting a realistic goal for what works for you. I want your first 5 minutes just to get into your art space set up and get in the mindset for it, perhaps get some music on or have your favourite drink ready. Then I want you to pick an art prompt.

I have provided 30 different prompts to help with your floral art practice and there’s also a blank prompt sheet so you can come up with your own ideas.

You might need to gather some inspiration or get certain tools or materials ready, but again, don’t overthink this, just take 5 minutes to get yourself set up.


Step. 2 - Get creating

Use the next 5 minutes to start creating. This is not about creating something perfect. The idea is to get those creative ideas flowing and to help you to establish an art routine. You’ll often find that after you get started, your 5 minutes goes really fast and you will want to continue. After your timer is up you can either keep going or pack up for the day, but you’ve created and that was the most important part.

These prompts are not only going to help you warmup, but also guide you through some fun creative practices so feel free to use these ideas and turn them into longer painting sessions.


Step. 3 - Track Your Progress

Track your progress throughout the month using the provided monthly art tracker. Simply, write the month at the top and colour in the day that you created. This tool will not only help you monitor your achievements but help motivate you to keep going.


The download is really going to help you develop a range of skills on your floral art journey. You might even discover a new technique that you had never have explored before. Remember, the key is to enjoy the process and make art a manageable and fulfilling part of your routine.

Want to see how I use these “Floral Art Prompts”? Come and join me inside my membership for a 5 day floral art challenge! I take 5 of these prompts and show you my take on them. Why not join for a month to get your creativity going. Let’s create together!

My membership is geared around a love of floral art and design. It’s an inspiring space to learn about art and get motivated with an amazing community of fellow creatives. Click below to learn more…



Schmincke Aqua Drops


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