5 Ways To Build An Online Presence As An Artist

Building a strong online presence is essential for artists because it allows you to share your passion for art with a wider audience, connect with other artists and fans, and ultimately grow your career in new and exciting ways. However, it’s not always easy to do so. Below are some 5 tips to help you build up an online presence.

Building a strong online presence takes time and effort. Unfortunately, there is no shortcut to doing so, but take your time and the seeds you plant today will start to grow.



1. Create A Website

A website can really help to build a strong identity as an artist. Your website should showcase your artwork, provide information about you and your style, and make it easy for potential clients or fans to contact you. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy though, keep things simple and show your best work.

2. Collaborate with other artists and brands:

Collaborating with other artists and brands can help you reach new audiences and build your online presence. Look for opportunities to work with other artists, designers, or brands that align with your artistic vision. You might not feel comfortable at first but why not be the one to reach out and start a collaboration? Doing this has brought me new opportunities that I had never thought of before.

3. Use social media:

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest are great for promoting your art and engaging with your audience, especially as they are image-heavy platforms. Post regular updates about your artwork, share behind-the-scenes, and interact with your followers to build a community around your work. I know it might seem daunting to share some of your processes online as many get scared that others will copy their work, but so far, sharing my process has only worked to my advantage, it helps build your credibility and can build your audience quicker.

4. Participate in online events:

Join online artist communities and forums to connect with other artists and showcase your work to a wider audience. There are so many artists that have private Facebook groups or individual artists or companies that run online boot camps. It can be a good opportunity for you to share your work and attract people that are drawn to your style.

5. Use High-Quality Images:

When showcasing your artwork online, it's important to use high-quality images. You don't have to invest in a good camera, but make good use of editing apps to adjust your image. I usually lighten my image and make my whites stronger so that my artwork stands out. My go-to editing apps are Lightroom and VSCO.


Now, not all of these ideas are going to be practical for you and your art, but maybe these suggestions will spark an idea that could work for you. Why not start creating, start sharing, and start building your online presence today?


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Muted Turquoise Leaves


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